Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Our final destination is the most stunning Taj mahal! This stunning mausoleum has been on several 7 wonders list and of course has made it onto mine. I think that it is one of those things that anyone who is a hopeless romantic should see. The Taj mahal was made out of love and has so much love ingrained in each little piece of the palace.
Our journey will stop here and we will be staying in India for a whole week visiting the Taj mahal and some family.  For the week we will be staying in a condo that my parents own in New Delhi. We will be arriving on May 23rd into New Delhi airport.

1. Two first class tickets from China to India (flying Emirates)- $15,301 CAD
2. Two tickets for Taj Mahal tour- $238 CAD
3. Week stay in India- FREE!

Total= $15,539 CAD

1 comment:

  1. http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g294202-d496743-Reviews-Horizon_Pyramids_Hotel-Giza.html



